Responding to a Decree by the Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, M.Eng., WWF Indonesia Chairman of Advisory Board and Spokesperson, said:

  1. As an independent, legal entity registered nationally, the WWF Indonesia Foundation is committed to fulfil its role and obligations as a member of civil society and continue to take part and contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources, for the welfare of the nation and the people of Indonesia.
  2. The WWF Indonesia Foundation deeply regrets the unilateral decision taken by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) to terminate our decades-long agreement without an opportunity for direct communication and open consultation to reach a possible consensus, as stipulated in the Cooperation Agreement between the two institutions.
  3. This unilateral decision could have long lasting impact on the work and efforts WWF – and our staff - have dedicated toward supporting conservation and sustainable development in Indonesia for more than 50 years.
  4. Based on existing law and regulation applies in Indonesia (Law Number 32/2019 concerning Environmental Protection and Management), WWF Indonesia Foundation as part of civil society, holds the right to work in environmental protection and natural resources management. To ensure we can deliver this fully, we have always prioritized a dialogue with MOEF. However, this is also within our rights to consider other measures including legal action if appropriate.
  5. Despite our deep regret, the WWF Indonesia Foundation respects the decision of the Ministry and is working to accelerate the handover process of any conservation programmes affected by the termination of cooperation agreement to MOEF, both at the national and regional levels, in accordance with applicable regulations.
  6. At a time when nature globally, and in Indonesia, is under immense pressures, the WWF Indonesia Foundation remains committed to supporting the priorities of the Government of Indonesia to achieve sustainable development. We continue to work in Indonesia under cooperation agreements with various government agencies, both national and local, and other partners.

We thank all of our partners and supporters for the continued support and unrelenting trust. We look forward to continuing our collaboration in finding the most robust and lasting solutions for today’s global challenges. People and nature can thrive together – but only if we come together, in Indonesia and around the world. 

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